Our customer Angela came to us as a referral from her mother who we completed a system for back in 2014. This new CASE Statewide Solar 10.36kW system, Completed in August 2021 is going to be producing upwards of $3000 worth of electricity.
The Jinko Solar Rooftop
With an abundance of roof space available our design was not hampered by many limiting factors. For the last month or so we have upgraded our minimum offering to the New Jinko Solar 370 Tiger N-Type Panels, which have the lovely 20 year warranty and 30 year power output guarantee. It’s lovely to be able to offer such a long warranty to our customers and have that added peace of mind. These Jinko Tiger Solar modules have an awesome looking black frame, and blend into any roof well particularly when coupled together with our Clenergy Hollywood Black Racking. The Clenergy Black mountings have been a standard issue on all CASE Statewide Solar residential installations for the last 18 months

The Fronius Inverter.
The customer has a single phase supply at their premises and for our larger single phase installations CASE Statewide Solar’s go to inverter is the Fronius Primo 8.2. As you can see from our installation, our boys take particular care in the manner in which the cables exit l the cavity, and everything is sealed via cable glands and a weatherproof seal around the back of the inverter. Where possible we install any cabling in wall cavity’s to minimise the visual intrusion. Due to the Essential Energy network generally only allowing up to 5kW Export on Single Phase supplies, this Deniliquin Solar installation has a Fronius Smart meter installed to control the export and to also allow consumption monitoring through the Fronius SolarWeb monitoring platform.

SolarWeb Monitoring
The customer along with CASE Statewide Solar has access to the Fronius SolarWeb Monitoring platform. The Fronius Inverter is connected via Wifi to the customers modem and communicates with the Fronius SolarWeb Webserver for data logging and key critical events that notify both the Installation company and the consumer about any potential issues and failures. Our Camden Solar operations have systems on screens and scroll through them, notifying us of issues and irregularities. Below is a screenshot from the system